PSA Newsletter 21: Privacy, Security, Automation!
An "I told you so" or two, and an iOS Shortcuts Resource...
The Center for Digital Democracy published a report on Commercial Surveillance by Smart TV's. In part, it reiterates what readers of this newsletter should know and take to heart by now: Never connect your "Smart" TV to your home network, ever. The risks and long-term harm is simply not worth it, in my opinion. If you want to add streaming capability to your TV (or better yet, dumb projector without network connectivity), I recommend an Apple TV. Their privacy record isn't spotless, but it's nowhere near as bad as the competition. [1]
As a general rule, be wary of anyone asking for a backdoor built into encrypted systems. Modern-day cryptography is a mathematical miracle and anyone looking to circumvent it will inevitably do irreparable harm, intentional or not. [2]
If you're looking for a great place to find novel iOS Shortcuts, look no further than the /r/shortcuts subreddit. Great resource for ideas and often, interesting new uses for Shortcuts. [3]
I hope it's obvious, but in case it's not, please understand the following:
- All opinions expressed are solely my own and do not reflect the views or opinions of my employer, my dog, or anyone else for that matter.
- If you buy something I suggest and it doesn't work, please reach out to the vendor for supoort first.